Private Foundation

The private foundation enables you to create a lasting legacy that carries the family name, can extend for generations and engages the entire family in the wonderful virtues of charitable giving.

The private foundation and all its benefits are no longer reserved for the ultra wealthy like the Rockefellers, Gates, Carnegies and Fords. We have developed an easy-to-follow program to help you set up, administer and manage your own private foundation in an efficient and cost effective way.

Most web sites attempt to dazzle you with all the technical information on a private foundation and the numerous and amazing benefits they can provide. But try to take the next step and actually put the plan into motion, and you will likely find it difficult to locate the qualified help necessary to get the job done in a way that makes you feel confident that it is being done properly and in an easy-to-understand, professional manner.

That's where we come in. This site delivers a welcome relief. We have designed a complete, easy-to-follow process that will guide you along the path to a complete charitable giving solution with all the benefits that this charitable giving vehicle provides.

Our goals are:

  • To give you an understanding of Estate Planning using a private foundation.

  • Provide a FREE easy-to-follow private foundation planning guide that you can use to generate a personalized charitable giving plan.

  • Deliver a service that enables you to easily establish a Private Foundation that gives you the ability to focus on the philinthropic goals you are looking to accomplish, with us taking care of all the intricate details.

We have broken the web site down into the main topics of discussion regarding the private foundation; please see the links to the right. By reviewing each section you will gain a basic understanding of the benefits that a private foundation can provide; the tax deduction available for your contribution(s); and how to set up, fund and manage the foundation.

At any time you can also use the link above in green to request a FREE copy of our Private Foundation Planning Guide. The guide goes into the finer details of the private foundation and includes a questionnaire designed to help you plan out your goals and charitable giving legacy. It also induces thoughts on how to further engage family members to participate in the charitable giving process through the implementation of the foundation.

The private foundation is also commonly used in conjunction with a Charitable Remainder Trust as a way to provide income to the donor with the remaining proceeds going to the private foundation at their passing. For additional information you can visit our separate web site at

We have also provided information on the comparison between a private foundation and donor advised funds. This is an important page to review as donor advised funds are typically a more appropriate vehicle to use when you are looking to establish a charitable giving legacy with a contribution below $500,000. Click here to view the comparison table.

Once you have reviewed the pages on this web site, we feel you will have a good understanding of the private foundation, its benefits, alternatives and how it can fit into your over all estate plan. Along the way, please feel free to contact one of our charitable giving specialists if you have any questions. We can be reached toll free at 800-535-4720.


    Tactical Wealth Advisors, LLP
    Investment advisory services are provided through Tactical Wealth Advisors, LLP a Registered Investment Advisor. The information contained on this site is for educational purposes only, it is not intended to be professional tax or legal advise; consult a tax advisor about your specific situation.


Donor Advised Funds

Using a Charitable Trust with a Private Foundation


Be sure to visit our other Charitable Estate Planning Web Sites at:

"Wealth is not to feed our egos, but to feed the hungry and to help people help themselves."
- Andrew Carnegie